Results: 1 to 3 of a total of 3 results.

Native American Passions Members in Santa Ysabel Indian Reservation

  • linton87
  • 37 years old | Flonellis, CA, USA

  • killsenemy77
  • Looking to find and meet native women from different tribes
  • 47 years old | Yuma, AZ, USA

  • ntvwoman760
  • Tribal relationship
  • Tribal relationship I have been involved in Tribal business for over 11 years now. My son is involved in Inter-Tribal Sports and I enjoy watching him play basketball. We travel as much as we can during the summer. We were in Hawaii this past June. It was a blast! Very beautiful people and land! Our Traditional Gatherings began in August, so we participate in Bird Songs and Dances. It's a...
  • 51 years old | Abbott, CA, USA